巽卦为风 麻衣道者正易心法

佚名 2022-07-08 10:04

巽卦为风 麻衣道者正易心法











陈希怡的消息说:你跌倒的地方,叫做卦画的真意,你不要盲目背诵古人的语言。例如,如果冲击波到达干线的起点,则雷声从天底下袭来;下蹲到中线,所以月亮从天上移; gen 到达上线,所以山从天而降。荀礼和杜德昆三耀也是如此。六行一一对应:阳生于紫月,应在茂月;二阳一仇,应在三月;三阳阴,应在四月。人员也是如此。易道在世间万物的日常使用中可见一斑,能够使用这些信息,是很有用的。众所周知,习帝画卦不是纸上的。

霍斐然抄帖说:易道浩瀚,用处不止。八卦,逻辑事物的象征,不受天、地、水、火、雷、风、山、湖的限制。应该从卦的阴阳来直观地使用。干三阳管真干根,坤三阴管荀礼堆,各有阴阳程序巽卦为风 麻衣道者正易心法,足以达到耸天地的目的。西夷所谓雷从天而降,月从天移,山从天而降。


若阳生于紫月,应生于卯月,则此阳生为复卦,复卦是坤、真相反复形成的。药臣为首九子,六十二贤,六十三,六十四,六十五亥,上六幽。这个复卦的第一行是世界,四行是对应的行。从子开始巽卦为风 麻衣道者正易心法,丑在二行,阴在三行,毛在四行,毛数在这一行,所以说应该在毛月世界上的三个都值得。这就解释了重卦的上行对应第三行,第五行对应第二行,第四行对应第一行的一般规律。景芳善用“天下应有之”的说法。
















上坤下巽卦 解卦_巽卦为风_巽卦为风测感情走向









第 6 章









第 8 章


陈希怡留言说:纵横,据说如果是图片,可能有老幼二气,或者祖孙三代,或者有治疗的原因,或者有是真假的意思,还是有一个胎儿的形象。 ,或者可能有错综复杂的账目,但只有它的设施,所有这些都有奇妙的原理,不能去任何地方。









巽卦为风测感情走向_上坤下巽卦 解卦_巽卦为风

霍斐然抄下笔记并补充道:这个理论与《周易参通启》的理论不同。 《周易·神通启》云:“乾坤为鼎,堪离为药”,以乾坤为上下位,坎离为水火之用。此以乾坤为阴阳之气,为玉坎离之药。





第 12 章







意思:我们用井卦来看。此为太卦第一行,第五变。这是一口井。故知日升为观水,故月为云;冬至,春动,冬至,太阳诞生。 , 中秋时,云煞泛滥,阳气衰弱,水开始枯竭,认为山脊为干水。道家有炼丹井,洋女无男,望井而生。医经无子,取口随井而生。是干燥的太阳,这可以清楚地验证。如果说天塌下来就下雨了,山川从云中出来,也说大地的空气震动了,天气下雨了。所以叫昆水。

霍斐然抄后记:陈希仪在《口》原著中说“医经无子,男女取口”。 ,想更正巽卦为风,却不知内涵,一个字的难易巽卦为风,关注了20多年,剩下的生硬可以用极端来形容。一日,读了陈修元的《女科要义》,将女转男。好在解决了,这也是一个“王冠”。其文字为“医经无子,男女戴冠,巡井而生”。就是说,人生有很多女人,但是如果想把女胎变成男胎,就要怀孕三个月了。转身,看看井里的自画像,谁也不知道,等你回来,你就有了一个男孩。那是胡说八道。要证明山脊是阳水,又是阴水,也比较麻烦。







第 15 章




第 16 章

















第 20 章




第 21 章

Six sons are heavy , and the and the earth are mixed , and there is no .

Chen Xiyi's news said: The six sons fake the as the body, and the heavy are with the as the body. If today's earth is clear and , and Yin and Yang are not mixed, then where are the six sons, so we know that in the human world is a of and yin and yang, but there is and there is no .

Huo the and said: Chen Xiyi's news, the is the real body, and the six are false and , so he leads Yi into Zen, and falls into . Not easy.


The of the has not been , and it must be .

Chen Xiyi's news said: It a of a line, and a of one, that is, the words of are , and the of is all with the , so as to see the qi of yin and yang. Such as being with nine is the cover. a above the six , do not use the . On the ninth day of the first day of Tuen, it is said that the can be won by the noble and the lowly. It the sixth day of the first year, and there is no blame for it. The words of this line are also . If there is a great need for the upper body, there is a for diet. The lower body is to Jin, and it has the of . When the upper body rises, the yin rises, and the lower body . One yang rise again, the of this unity is also. The of Gou Gua has not been tried, so it is to be able to ask for it.

Huo the and said: Chen Xiyi's news shows that this of Yao is used to the and the . It can be seen that the of the in the and the of the are like this.


Easy to pass from to , there are many , and it is the most to .

Chen Xiyi said: to the order of the , you walk first and then the small . Now the small are first, then the image of the two is , and the is and be . The eight- is also , the eight-body only lacks its nose, and it is based on the Xun . does not . Zighe the ear! Can it hurt?

巽卦为风测感情走向_巽卦为风_上坤下巽卦 解卦

Try to it, one is soft and self- and a fan, and the same into shoes, and the shoes small , and the small big, and the other one just a , and then , and then , and then . The order is not easy. Now that Qian is on , he knows that his not be under the brute. The spy the nine of Nishu, and the nine were used for , the for , and the -four for reuse, all of which were by the and Dayan. Also, and are . Since the is based on the big and , then it is clear that the ninth is on the small .

This does not the of Ni, and loses its . The eight are Gen for the nose and Xun for the hands and ears. It is said that the nose is the of the face. It is also said that the wind can all , and the why the hands dance. Gai Gan is the head, Kun is the , and the and earth are . Kan is the ear, and Li is the sight of fire and water. Gen is the nose, Dui is the mouth, and the are . Xun is the hand, the shock is the foot, and the and wind are thin. This is the to the eight of the Xi, and its is clear. , admit and the , and they do not see high and far. This is where the real is Min Zhi, so his eyes are .

Huo wrote a : This is to the whole issue of the order of the . It is not easy to raise this . the wrong and out are , I have also some on the study of the , but I have not found one that can or deny this . Wang Fuzhi's " " used a very long space to the of the and of the , it still to solve the .

Wang 's " Cases" to have the of the sixty-four , that is, the first two are into the last two , and the two are into the two and so on. After , I know that it still has not the . I have the by Mai one by one, and I have also " on the of the Sixty-Four of ", which is a of the order of the . I use to count the of the -sixth house, and each nine times.

A heavy is of two , so there are -six , a total of 72 , each nine , and the is Gan, Kan, Gen, Zhen, Li, Kun, etc. There are six , each has nine , only the Sunda has eight , and the Dui has ten . to this data, the that Ma Yi to the first and the small is with this . The data shows that there must be some in the order, but it is not where the are with the small . small are , and shoes are . Sunda and Dui are and . The error of the of is the the Sunda and the order.

That is, if one of the Dui be and , , then the have an of nine each. If the small is the shoe to the by Mai, then there are only seven for the Sun, and for the Dui , which is from the . So Mai's is . As for the he put , it is one-sided, not from a view, so the laws of the order be drawn, and the drawn are . to Xiyi's , "One is soft and self- and a , and the same into shoes, and the shoes small , and the small great. It's a order, it's not easy.

Since Jin Qian is on , he knows that his not be under the brute. "The of the proof is still . to his proof, the is that since Qian is in , then he knows that Lü is not under the small (the above to the use of the 36- for , and those that to signs are上, those who look down and a are 下, in fact, the upper is the , and the lower is the ), to prove that the duty is in the front and the is in the back.


Since it is that one line to the law, then it can be said that it can be said to have found its law when all six lines to this law, or most of them to this law. , let's the in the yin-yang pair can fully to this law.

At the of the line, one yin is 姤, and the is 夬.

At the of the line, a yang is a , and an -down is a .


It is to say that the be the top, and the be the . That is to say, the be in the front, and the be in the back, the order of the six lines is from the to the top, why are these two types ? See also:

Two lines, one yang is the , and the other is the ratio.

Two lines, one yin is the same , and the is the great one.

and are all , while Bi and Dayou are all .


First and then , first and then great, this is in line with the order of the .

To the above , there are a total of six pairs, and the order of the is by the order of the , and the of the main shall . The main line in the lower is the , the main line in the upper is the rule, the , the , and the . This rule is with the order of the . The six that to this are: Shi, Bi, , Dayou, Qian, and Yu.姤, still the six . How can it be ? It seems that there is a truth in it, which be .

From the point of view of the order of the three lines, the first and the first, the and the fifth, the third and the , this is the of the line. The main line above the first is and . The main line is in the two, the as the , and the fifth as the , the . The main Yao in the three Yaos is yang and yin . , it can be that the is , the is , and the third is . (There are pros and cons to the ). In fact, it is a of and , not pure one. of the place shoes and small , it is if there is any of .

It is also said that "the eight alone lack its nose", and it is also said that "Sunda be the hand". Yu that "Gen is the hand", it has its own text and it also to its image. The nose is also the of . Xun is the wind, the gas, the life, the smell, the and , and the of fruit, all of which are . , it is to use "Xun as the nose". , Xun also might as well be a stock.

As for the law of order, no one knows the the ages, there are those who doubt it, and no one who it.


and , , found in daily use, all .

Chen Xiyi's news said: The drawn by Xi are not meant to be out of , but they are into an easy way to teach in a book, to the times and , and to see them in daily use! In crude words, add money? Six pure , dry, six pure back kun, six sons. If it is the other way , it will not win, and if it is pure, then the will be . It is also like the man's , the man will do his , the six sons are also, the old man his , the is also. This is the of the , that is, to the rest of this , it is easy to move, stand, sit, lie down, and move the whole world. There is no one to pick and .

上坤下巽卦 解卦_巽卦为风_巽卦为风测感情走向

Huo added a note : Three and form a . The is the , the is the , and the in the . is the eight used to all . exist , and is a of the of . Big , small , going, going end, all in the .


The of the line is for good , and the sound is cut off. The is one.

Chen Xiyi said: Nayin, Jia is wood, and child is water, and when Jia and child meet, gold is born. Cut feet: If is the , red is the , and the cut of is the word for east. Gua is also the same. The upper body is Gan, the lower body is Kun, and the is the birth of six sons, that is, the Yao is two, three, four and five. Two, three, four and five, the qi of good , in each other to form , such as in the , and in the . All these , every one of them in the four , have the image of and good . For , in Tu, Bi, Guan, and Yi, there are and . , , and , all have their own .

Huo added a note : The Han all talk about , but King Bi of Jin does not. In the book "Shiyi ", not only the line of a can form two , but also that the early line and the upper line can each form a . , the upper line, the first line, and the line can form a . So one and six lines are by six . The line of each is the main line of its . For , Ding Gua:



Sixth day

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Six Five


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Nine Three




Sixth day

Ding : Kanli Xunli six . The other sixty-three are the same.


As to, Jia Zi and Ying Chou, there is more than one , and the order is .

Chen Xiyi's news said: ", its must have more than the , and the , so it is yin. This is also Yang. Such as ten dry A, B, and B, the qi of A. Bing Ding, Ding, the gas of Bing. Such as , the child is ugly, and the ugly is the qi of the child. Yin Mao, Mao who is the of Yin. Gua also is. Kun, the is also dry. Those who are , the rest of the gas is also in the . need more than one . , the of the is also. , if you are dry and go to Kun, you will be and then you will be . If you need it, then you will file a . If you have a , you will it. it has its own , the why it is is all the rest of the qi. The ear of ! do not , that the sage's on this is the key to the and the key to , and it is too far away.


下一篇: 离巽卦 凳不离三,门不离五,床不离七,桌不离九
上一篇: 离巽卦 兑卦和巽卦